Study Spotlight #13: One Part THC and 30 parts CBD: Patients Clearly Benefit from Reducing Night-time Agitation
A team of Israeli researchers (V. Hermush et al., 2022) conducted a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial. It administered, for a total of 16 weeks, an oral version of cannabis oil (chemotype III, 1:30 THC:CBD) to 60 patients diagnosed with dementia and associated behavioral disturbances. When the data were compared to patients who received sugar pills, the CBD-rich oil could significantly and safely reduce agitation and improve the quality of life.
Hermush V, Ore L, Stern N, Mizrahi N, Fried M, Krivoshey M, Staghon E, Lederman VE, Bar-Lev Schleider L. Effects of rich cannabidiol oil on behavioral disturbances in patients with dementia: A placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Sep 6;9:951889.