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Subscription options to support students, faculty, and researchers with quick and comprehensive access to the science of cannabis and the endocannabinoid system
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CannaKeys 360 as a member benefit or other offering for member-based organizations
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I am extremely impressed with CannaKeys 360. The information is conveniently organized, and it only returns relevant results that have been properly vetted. This saves time, and allows me to quickly review the current state of the science around various conditions and compounds. Too many rely on ‘Dr Google’ to treat themselves and loved ones without the necessary tools to separate the science from the hype. If you are a physician, this is the one-stop source for facts. If you are a patient CannaKeys 360 gives you confidence that your life isn’t in the hands of budtenders and social media. It is also a great place to direct your healthcare professional for education on why you are including cannabis in your treatment plan.
CannaKeys 360 is the answer to one of the biggest challenges in cannabis: finding quality research that supports cannabis medicine. The industry has been in need of a database that compiles and ranks cannabinoid research and CannaKeys 360 delivers just that. This will be a game changer for many of us who are seeking research to support our practice.
As a nurse who has been working with medical cannabis patients for quite some time, the work involved in looking up the latest research and then being able to easily apply the knowledge gained into a case was a VERY tedious task. With CannaKeys 360, clinicians from recommending physicians to Clinical Directors can all have the same information at their fingertips in seconds for continuity of practice and patient care. Cannakeys 360 is going to finally get the entire clinical world on the same page.
I am so happy to have Cannakeys as a resource. As both a nursing educator and a hospice nurse, in both roles I feel it is important to back up the information I share with reliable sources. Cannakeys makes that easy.
As a Nurse working in the cannabis formulation and biotechnology space, I have found the CannaKeys platform to be a wonderful resource. I can jump on the platform and within seconds have an overview of nearly any phytocannabinoid that I am interested in. I am excited to continue to use this resource and explore more cannabis literature as CannaKeys expands.
I look for cannabis related studies on a regular basis, and I’m so happy I found Cannakeys 360! It has transformed hours of research into minutes (literally). This tool is of uncomputable value for all types of cannabis HCP’s and educators- Not only worth every penny but will save A LOT of valuable time!
Cannakeys is a disruptive tool, gathering the most reliable sources of study and research regarding medical cannabis in a very practical, dynamic, and up-to-date way. My feeling is that Cannakeys will become “the PubMed of Endocannabinoid Medicine”, everyone’s reference source for searching qualified scientific evidence in the field.
Cannakeys is the best and most comprehensive site for tracking down the academic literature on cannabis. The menu is easy to navigate and the database very thorough. This platform should be compulsory for all medical practitioners and others wanting to prescribe cannabis in order to keep them up to date with this increasingly complex literature.
I have started using Cannakeys and I am blown away! As a Cannabis Educator and Patient Care Coach, I appreciate all of the good resources being in one convenient place. I was just interviewed on a podcast and I was able to build my talk around the solid information gathered in your database. You have really added value and confidence to my work life.
CannaKeys360 is a remarkable service; at first glance, it’s easy to miss its importance. It provides both a quick way to survey the state of the data in cannabinoid science and the ability to dive deeply into that data. The dashboard makes it abundantly clear where there is clinically relevant knowledge which is crucial for practitioners, scientists, and regulators.