Cannabis sativa Extract Induces Apoptosis in Human Pancreatic 3D Cancer Models: Importance of Major Antioxidant Molecules Present Therein

Key Findings:  When human pancreatic tumor cell lines were exposed to medicinal hemp, cannabidiol dominant, it led to an increase in superoxide ions, altering the membrane potential, inducing the cell cycle arrest, and eventually leading to cell death.

Type of Study:  Laboratory Study

Study Result:  Positive

Study Location(s):  France

Year of Pub:  2022

Cannabinoids Studied:  Cannabichromene (CBC), Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabigerol (CBG), Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabichromenic Acid (CBC-a), Cannabidiolic Acid (CBD-a), Cannabigerolic Acid (CBG-a), Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (THC-a), Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), Delta-8-THC

Phytocannabinoid Source:  Cannabis Flower derived

Chemotype:  Chemotype III

Terpenes Studied:  ß-Caryophyllene, Borneol, Linalool, Myrcene, Terpineol

Receptors Studied:  CB1, CB2, GPCR

Ligands Studied:  Pro-inflammatory cytokines

Sub-Ratio: THC:CBD 1:15

Route of Administration:  In vitro

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