Anticonvulsant activity of β-caryophyllene in association with pregabalin in a seizure model in rats

Key Findings:  This study evaluating a rat model of epilepsy found that beta-caryophyllene plus pregabalin extended the time of onset of seizures, both myoclonic and tonic-clonic, and reduced the duration of tonic-clonic seizures and overall score. This suggests a potential synergistic approach to the treatment of drug-resistant seizure types.

Type of Study:  Animal Study

Study Result:  Positive

Study Location(s):  Brazil

Year of Pub:  2021

Cannabinoids Studied:  Cannabinoid (unspecified)

Phytocannabinoid Source:  Unspecified

Terpenes Studied:  ß-Caryophyllene

Receptors Studied:  CB2

Route of Administration:  Oral (Ingestion)

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