Clinical and Family Implications of Cannabidiol (CBD)-Dominant Full-Spectrum Phytocannabinoid Extract in Children and Adolescents with Moderate to Severe Non-Syndromic Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): An Observational Study on Neurobehavioral Management

Key Findings:  Data suggests that full-spectrum CBD-dominant extract [33:1 (CBD: THC)] is a potentially safe and effective option for central and associated signs and symptoms of moderate to severe ASD in children and adolescents (5–18 years old). In addition, treatment may increase the overall quality of life for this patient population and their families.

Type of Study:  Clinical Trial

Study Sample Size:  30

Study Result:  Positive

Study Location(s):  Brazil

Year of Pub:  2024

Cannabinoids Studied:  Cannabidiol (CBD), Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

Phytocannabinoid Source:  Not Applicable

Chemotype:  Chemotype III

Route of Administration:  Oral (Ingestion)

Cannabinoid Ratio:  (CBD : THC)   33 : 1    

Dosage Form:  The full spectrum oil was provided by Nabix 10.000 (by FarmaUSA) [100 mg/mL of CBD and 3 mg/mL of THC (or 33:1 CBD-THC)]

Dosing Regimen:  Starting with 1 mg/kg/day of CBD (0.03 mg/kg/day of THC) Average doses of 3.11 mg/kg/day of CBD (0.09 mg/kg/day of THC)

Starting Dose:  1 mg/kg/day of CBD (0.03 mg/kg/day of THC)

Titration:  Individualized and titrated to effects

Treatment Duration:  Average treatment duration was 6.6 months

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