Efficacy of overactive neurogenic bladder treatment: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Key Findings:  This meta-analysis found the following interventions for overactive bladder to be moderately effective: anticholinergics, mirabegron, comparison of different drugs, cannabinoids, intravesical instillations, botulinum toxin, transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, pelvic floor muscle training, and others. Anticholinergics were more effective than placebo.

Type of Study:  Clinical Meta-analysis

Study Sample Size:  77

Study Result:  Positive

Study Location(s):  Algeria, Burkina Faso, Greece, Ireland, Italy, United Arab Emirates

Year of Pub:  2022

Cannabinoids Studied:  Cannabinoid (unspecified)

Phytocannabinoid Source:  Unspecified