Combination of biomarkers for diagnosis of acute kidney injury after cardiopulmonary bypass

Key Findings:  In searching for novel biomarkers to monitor for signs of acute kidney injury (AKI) during and after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (CPB), this analysis classified different combinations of biomarkers to assess risk, including urinary l-type fatty acid-binding protein (l-FABP), α and π glutathione S-transferases (α-GST and π-GST), urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), and urinary hepcidin and serum cystatin c (CysC).

There was no improvement in risk classification with the combinations of biomarkers used. However, levels of NGAL:Creatinine better categorized high, intermediate, and low-risk groups.

Type of Study:  Clinical Trial

Study Sample Size:  93

Study Result:  Negative

Study Location(s):  Australia

Year of Pub:  2015

Cannabinoids Studied:  Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (FABP)

Phytocannabinoid Source:  Not Applicable

Route of Administration:  Endogenous

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