Effects of Cannabidiol and Beta-Caryophyllene Alone or in Combination in a Mouse Model of Permanent Ischemia

Key Findings:  Resulting data revealed that treatment with Beta-Caryophyllene (BCP), CBD, and their combination was associated with a significant decrease in infarct size.

Type of Study:  Animal Study

Study Result:  Positive

Study Location(s):  United States

Year of Pub:  2021

Cannabinoids Studied:  Cannabidiol (CBD)

Phytocannabinoid Source:  Unspecified

Chemotype:  Chemotype III

Terpenes Studied:  ß-Caryophyllene

Receptors Studied:  CB2

Dosage: Beta-Caryophyllene (BCP) (3–30 mg/kg IP) and CBD (3–30 mg/kg IP), given alone or in combination (30:3, 30:10, and 30:30 BCP:CBD)

Route of Administration:  Injection

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